simple living eco new cleaning range

Simple Living Eco - No Longer Just A Laundry Brand

Back in early 2019 Simple Living Eco was the dream of Co-Founders Diane and Dan Riley. They had a vision to create eco-friendly products that were both affordable to the consumer AND sustainable. 

Their passion for everything eco came from the stark realisation of the harmful impact that mainstream washing detergents were having on their daughters skin. The more research that was done, the more shocking the findings and this led to the continued drive to develop products which were not only safe for the skin but also for the environment, with the goal to use simple, non toxic ingredients and sustainable packaging.

simple living eco original detergent sheets

The start was slow, the team wanted everything to be right and spent time working with a range of different people to help ensure that the business was set up right, and had the chance to become the success it is today. Word of mouth really helped in the early days with people singing the praises of the small range of products being produced by the small but mighty team. 


When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit in March 2020, everything changed. Despite the challenges being faced across the world, the business continued to grow and at speeds that never could have been imagined. The demand for eco-friendly products surged, as well as the overall growth in online shopping. The team struggled to keep up with the demand, and were rapidly outgrowing their original location, so, in May 2020 we moved to a bigger unit.


However, the challenges of the pandemic continued, and the team faced another obstacle; the search for a suitable factory to meet their ever growing needs. This was somewhere Simple Living Eco never expected to be, so quickly. But wow, it was exciting!


After months of searching, the team finally found a factory and by November 2020, alongside a range of new machinery, the team moved into the facilities and the real work then began. 

simple living eco factory

It had always been the goal to develop the sheets with the best formulation, fully manufactured in the UK and the team worked tirelessly to ensure this became a reality. 

It quickly became obvious that to meet the growing demand, the machinery yet again needed to be upgraded. So, just over a year later bigger and better machinery was ordered, arriving just before Christmas 2022. What a present that was!


Finally Simple Living Eco could start using the formula they had been working on for almost two years. 

New Year, New Simple Living Eco


In January 2023 the team were able to start sending out the new laundry detergent sheets and the feedback and demand was amazing. By February 2023 the new fragrance transfer sheet was completed with great success and the team are looking forward to releasing these for sale very soon. 

simple living eco laundry collection

Alongside this manufacturing change and growth, the brand has developed hugely along the way and the Simple Living Eco you see now is the Simple Living Eco that will stay! 

A complete new rebrand has coincided with our whole new range of products being released. We are now able to give our customers the products they have been asking for including washing machine cleaning tablets, the incredibly effective multi-purpose cleaning sheets (ideal for kitchens and bathrooms) right through to self-care products including our 2in1 Shampoo bar. This is just the beginning!

simple living eco new detergent sheets


simple living eco washing machine cleaner

simple living eco coconut shampoo bar

Simple Living Eco has certainly come a long way since its humble beginnings on a kitchen table. The company's dedication to creating sustainable products that are both affordable and eco-friendly has paid off. The team's persistence in the face of numerous obstacles is a testament to their passion and commitment to their mission.


As Simple Living Eco continues to grow and expand its product offerings, we can only imagine what exciting innovations and developments the team has in store for us in the future.


Watch this space...


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